Saturday, June 12, 2010

Best picture I could get of Jackson at his last game

This soccer season was a little crazy. Jackson had two games a week plus practice. Next year will be even crazier because Garrett will be playing too! I couldn't get good pictures because Jackson was helping the other team out because they were short a player. So in these pictures he is really supposed to be wearing red. He was really cute this season because they had to do this quite a bit for the other teams and he was always one of the first to raise his hand to change jerseys and play on the other team for a few minutes. Especially when he knew some of the other boys on the opposing team! He had a great season this year. We had an awesome and deticated coach that has a love for the game, and that made it even more fun for the boys to play. We will be requesting him for next year! Jackson had 3 goals this season! The most from one boy on his team! Can't wait until next year!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

What a great sport Jackson is offering to help out the other team!