Friday, April 24, 2009

Hooray for Hannah Lu!

This past Wednesday, Hannah Lu had surgery to have the bars taken off of her cheeks. The screws were coming loose as a matter of fact, Shawn and I had screw her hardware back together the other morning. Thank goodness they sent us home with the special tools. Anyways, she wasn't supposed to get them off until May 5th, but the doctor felt that her bone was strong enough. So now I don't have to put her clothes on from her feet up. Now I can put things over her head. The little holes on the side of her cheeks scabbed right over and they look great. She was laying in the hospital bed and was turning onto her side, now that she can actually do that. All my kids rolled on their side early. While in the O.R. they also did an ABR hearing test. This test came back significantly better than the last one. We were very excited about that. She is hearing normal conversation and louder. She still will need hearing aids, but we are releaved that she isn't almost deaf. That is what they thought from the results of the last test. Well no more surgeries until she is a year old for her cleft pallete.

she is feeling much better with the hardware off of her face

big brothers waiting so patiently for their sister


leah said...

I found your blog through google. Our little guy wears hearing aids and they help him A LOT! He's got a moderate hearing loss and is doing great with them. I wish you and your little girl all the best!

Cameron and Amy said...

Hooray! So glad she can roll a little and feel comfortable. She's looking really good! Call me and let me know the 411!

Kellie Griffin said...

That is so good to hear. I'm so glad she's doing better. What a little cutie!!