Sunday, April 5, 2009

We are HOME!

We are so excited to be home. Although we still have to go back to Salt Lake, at least it's not once a week. She did well on the ride home. She slept all the way to the potty supply a.k.a the rest stop. So we plugged her G tube into the pump with some milk and off we were. Pretty convenient, but I would much rather give her a bottle. She slept most of the night, getting up once. I on the other hand didn't sleep at all because the darn pump that feeds her is loud, and the bright blue light doesn't turn off while it is in use. So I am going to have to figure something out. Shawn and I would like to thank everyone that helped our family during this time. Thank you to all the nurses at Primary Children's that tended to Hannah Lu, especially Teresa. She was wonderful, and loved Hannah Lu as her own. My mom went home just after Hannah Lu was discharged from the hospital. She helped us so much, she lived with us for seven weeks and kept the boys busy everyday while I focused on the baby. We could not have done it with out her. Thank you mom. Thank you to Amy (my sweet sister in law) she took the boys when she could so I could spend more time at the hospital, and it also allowed my mom to spend time with Hannah Lu too. Our next mile stone is getting the bars off of her cheeks. That will happen on May 5th. I am counting down the days.
meeting her brothers for the first time

pretty in pink, and ready to go home


Annalee said...

Oh Carrie! She is so adorable. I love the picture of her and the boys! I can't wait to see her! If I can just kick this dang cough, I'll be up to visit!!!!

Unknown said...

Yeah for being home! I'd love to come visit when you're up for it! I bet you're so relieved to have Hannah close you. Please know I'd be happy to help in any way!