Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well we finally got them. This past Monday Hannah Lu and I went out to Salt Lake and we picked up her glasses, and had a parade of doctor appts. on Tuesday. The Optomitrist put her glasses on and she has been all smiles since. Except I have decided that she can't wear them in the car because she pulls them down and gets the nose pads into her mouth and sucks on them. Of course I then end up pulling over every time she decides to do that. The doctors appts. on Tuesday also went well. At 10:00am she went under general anesthesia for her last hearing test. It has improved since she had the tubes put in but not enough to dodge hearing aids. So that will be our next hurdle. Then at 2:00pm we saw Dr. Carey her genetics doctor. He was just thrilled to see her and thinks she is doing great. Dr. Carey is going to Pennsylvania to present Hannah Lu in a conference. I am excited to see how that goes. At 4:00pm we saw her Opthamologist. He said that her eyes look great! Then we were on our way home. But of course not without a stop at the outlet mall in Park City. Jackson is starting Kindergarten so I had to get a few things for him for school, and they were have such an outrages sale at Carter's I got some fall and winter things for Hannah Lu. It was a busy girls day out and Hannah Lu was an angel.
What? So I have to where glasses. That is what I think she is gesturing with her hands.


leah said...

Oh, what a sweetheart! I found your blog through google. Our little guy wears hearing aids (and has had them since he was four months old). They really do help a lot! Though he likes to take those off in the car and disassemble them like Legos... hopefully he'll grow out of that soon, lol. Good luck with the audiology appointments!

Annalee said...

Oh Carrie! Hannah looks so dang cute in the glasses! I love them. Sorry to hear about the hearing aids though. I was really hoping you would be able to get by without them!